We are delighted to introduce a famous Cantucci brand Antonio Mattei from Italy.

Antonio Mattei – Maker of Cantucci, Biscotti and other baked goods, awarded in Florence 1861, London 1862, Paris 1867”. This is where the “Biscotto di Prato” first came to life, in this historic biscuit factory which has kept its founder’s name and since the beginning of the twentieth century has been run by the Pandolfini family, now in its third generation. It is here that the Pandolfini family have kept the traditional recipe for Biscotti di Prato which is now known all over the world simply as “cantucci”, packaged since day one in the classic Blue Mattei bag tied by hand with green string.

The traditional Cantucci in different flavors are now available, order can be made by contacting the sales hotline on +852 3628 5221, or by email to online@brightview.com.hk.